Simple tips to increase chanting at quantative plane

rosaryChanting of the God’s name is the easiest spiritual practice in the present era. Let’s see some simple ways to increase Chanting of God’s name (Naam Jap): First of all, Naamjap (Chanting) should increase quantitatively. For this, one can follow these steps:

  1. Remember to do Naamjap while doing routine physical work, such as like taking a stroll, while cooking food, eating meals, and while travelling, etc.
  2. Before going to sleep every night, (when we start feeling drowsy), give a self-suggestion to your mind 10 to 15 times in this way: “Whenever unwanted thoughts will come to my mind, I will become aware of it and will start Chanting.”  This kind of autosuggestion will automatically lessen the number of unwanted thoughts that cross our mind during the day. If unwanted thoughts do come to the mind in the initial phases, Naamjap will automatically start.
  3. As far as possible, maintain good conduct throughout the day. Letting out just one abuse reduces the effect equivalent to five ‘Malas’ (rounds) of chanting; and accepting a bribe even once destroys effect of 500 ‘Malas’ of chanting. Thus, be virtuous. Else, you will pour water in a pot with many holes, in the form of personality defects, where the water (sadhana) can never get stored.
  4. Avoid needless gossip, internet surfing, watching television for no reason. and utilize the this time for Chanting.

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