Spiritual experiences of Shri Mahendra Sharma

Spiritual experiences (Anubhuti) of seekers
Spiritual experiences (Anubhuti) of Shri Mahendra Sharma from Delhi:
On April 18, 2013, I got up early in the morning for my daily ablutions in the toilet in my house, when I spotted about two-four big black ants; I went in thinking that there are only two-four ants, but to my surprise, within two-three minutes, hundreds of ants swamped the place and they made it difficult for me to finish my morning ablution and I had to immediately rush out, but after some time when I checked again, I could not spot even a single ant. My wife had been to the toilet before me, but when I asked her whether she had seen some ants, she replied that she had not seen even a single ant.
Similarly, on April 26, 2013 at 4.00 a.m, when I went for my morning ablutions, a big ant bit me severely between my toe and finger and I immediately brushed it aside with my hand, but within a few seconds the ant disappeared. I feel that negative energies in the form of ants are causing problems for me. A few months ago, ants kept pestering us for the whole day and would roam around entire house during night, which has now nearly ended after Pujya Tanuja Maa came to our house and conducted a Satsang.
Analysis of Anubhuti: Negative energies can cause problems for us through flies, ants, worms, rats, dogs or any animal, all this is the craft of illusory Maantriks (powerful demoniac forces of the subtle world), you know, how Mareech had deceived Sita Mata by assuming the form of Swarn Mrig (golden deer)!!

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