The science of spirituality of vedic santan dharma is most advanced

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Q. Few saints say all dharma are same but you openly say that the science of spirituality of vedic santan dharma is most advanced and there is only one dharma (vedic sanatan dharma) rest all are sects . Why this difference ?
A. That which has been made By God is called dharma and which has been propagated by spiritually evolved people is called sect . There is only one dharma as per spiritual science rest all are sects
Saints can perceive Brahma (God) in everything, Swami Ramkrushna Paramhansa could perceive Ma kali in his wife , when you too reach that state, then you will be able to perceive God in Dog also so why not Allah !!! So do sadhana to understand the implied meaning of saints, a nursery student can’t understand the university books !! -Tanuja Thakur

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