Today’s Hindus are suffering from inferiority complex!!!

A Yuva Sanskar Varg (spiritual session for youth) had been organised at Upasana’s Seva Kendra in Delhi in the first week of April 2013. I was surprised to see some children and youth eating Prasaad (holy partake) with a spoon and I asked them to accept the Prasaad in their hands, for the food of an Ashram is available not even in Swarg Lok (heaven), upon which a child who was sitting there said innocently, “If I eat with my hands at home, my Maa (mother) scolds me !” I was forced to say in front of his mother, “What is to be done, today’s Hindus are suffering from inferiority complex , thus they teach their children to follow the demoniac and Tamoguni western culture to make them ‘Babusaheb’ and ‘Memsaab’ (Indian ways of addressing European gentlemen and ladies respectively) That is why today divine patriots and Dharma Rakshaks (protectors of Dharma) like Shivaji Maharaj do not get a grounding in the guidance of Hindu Mothers.-Tanuja Thakur

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