Sanskrut language-Present times

During the present times, Rashtrabhimaan (pride for the nation), Dharmaabhimaan (pride for the Dharma) and Swabhashaabhimaan (pride for one’s mother tongue) have deteriorated to such abysmal levels that most of our actions reek of westernisation and so-called secularism. We are avoiding the usage of our Sanskrut language and we use many foreign languages most of them being Tam predominant. To Names the films, or organisations, or even name of our children, i.e we have started using every other language in the name of modernisation except Sanskrut. India would be the only nation in the entire world that takes pride in accepting foreign culture, language, dresses, food and even having a foreign lady as its leader, while letting go of its best culture, best Dharma and best language, Devavani (language of the Gods) Sanskrut. This has happened not due to the broadmindedness of the Hindus, but due to degradation of intellectual capacity of the Hindus !- Tanuja Thakur

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