To attain liberation, it is important for the seeker to pass through all the higher subtle lokas

According to my age, I am experiencing how difficult it is to climb the steps of a staircase, one step by one step, due to old age and fatigue; just think then how difficult would it be to proceed toward the next level of subtle world, stepping into every subtle world and moving on toward the next subtle realm, beyond Saptlok (the seven worlds), meaning how difficult would it be to move toward Nirgun.
 Paratpar Guru   His Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale (Chaitra Sukla, Dwadashi, Kaliyug year 5115 (23.4.2013)
Implied Meaning: Vedic Sanatan Dharma propounds the theory of seven higher subtle lokas (regions) and seven Paatals (nether world). To attain liberation, it is important for the seeker to pass through all the higher subtle lokas, only then does the seeker acquire Moksha (final liberation), meaning the state of Param Nirgun (supreme formless). Shree Guru is telling through an ordinary example that it is expected from a seeker to make relentless and vigorous efforts to attain the next higher levels of the spiritual levels, for as one passes through successive phases of spirituality, an increase in complexity is quite natural. Making spiritual progress and passing through Bhu, Bhuwa, Swarg, Mahar, Jana, Tap and Satya, that is, passing from one subtle region to the another does require vigourous efforts, as such, attaining the Nirgun state, that is attained only after crossing all these sublte worlds, it is surely difficult.- Tanuja Thakur

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