why the catastrophical natural calamities keep striking now and then and play havoc ?


In this modern age when scientific inventions and discoveries are at its best, why the catastrophical natural calamities keep striking now and then and play havoc ?
Only a nation established on the basis of Dharma can stay happy, prosperous and free from the scourge of natural calamities. Any state establishment that is Nidharmi (not based on the tenets of Sanatan Dharma) and Ahindu (non-Hindu) does not possess the ability to prevent natural calamities! That is why the Vedas have spelt out the process of keeping the deities appeased through sacrifices in a Yadnya! Just as there are ministers in a worldly government, God the Creator has authorized different portfolios to different energies known as Deites to run this Universe; now if we interfere with their departments for our vested interests, without seeking their permission, we will of course get punished. Just like in an Ahindu state set-up, oblations are not offered to the Deities, in such a situation, they will surely make us feel the power of their existence.
Thus, a state set-up based on Sanatan Dharma is the only set-up in which not only the principle of ‘Bahujan hitaay bahujan sukhay (well-being of all and happiness for all) is integral to it, a sense of gratitude towards all the invariables in running this Universe is inherent in it and that is why this system is the best one and the most beneficial one for mankind !

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