It is extremely important to teach Rajdharma

• Some of my friends say that I should not include political inputs in my spiritual updates, as it would change people’s perception about me and hence I must confine myself only to spiritual concept ! Know this simple truth, “Vedic Sanatan Dharma” alone can teach the highest level of spirituality”; hence, if I impart Dharma Shikshan (education about Dharma), it is extremely important to teach Rajdharma (art of statecraft), which is an integral part of Dharma. God too after creating the universe, first and foremost propounded Rajdharma to run the society in an organised manner! For the last one thousand years, we have stopped learning and teaching Rajdharma, consequently, today unworthy people and evil-doers hold the reins of power and there is an outcry all around!- Tanuja Thakur

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