Anubhuti (Spiritual Experiences)


Anubhuti (spiritual experiences) of seekers

99% of seekers associated with Upasana have encountered one obstacle or the other before meeting me, to the extent that even when two saints were coming to attend the Upasana foundation day function, even they experienced troubles.  It is important to understand why this happens.

Our Shree Guru, His Holiness Dr. Athavale had once said that when we start doing proper Sadhana, or are about to do so or are in this path of spiritual practice, the problems that negative energies give us are a kind of a certificate that our Sadhana is proceeding in the right direction.  When I wanted to attend the Satsang of my Shree Guru, I too had to face obstacles, but once I forged ahead, overcoming the obstacles, I experienced seamless bliss.

Remember, that when we are about to start proper Sadhana, negative energies get an inkling of it and they cause problems for us, but God is imminently powerful than them,  thus, due to divine grace, overcoming the obstacles, the seekers make progress.  This conflict between the divine and the negative energies has been going on since times immemorial and will continue till eternity.  Once negative energies become aware that a seeker has started making efforts to get associated with Upasana, they realise that the seeker will start doing proper Sadhana and their predominance will come to an end, hence they cause problems for the seekers.

In this context, presented here is the Anubhuti of a seeker, who is extremely active: “I wish to share an Anubhuti with all of you.  I met Didi for the first time in December 2011 in Delhi.  Before meeting her, I was already on her friends’ list on Facebook, but I did not know much about her.   About an year ago, it was a Saturday, December 24.  I sought an audience from Didi through an SMS. I had been seeking an audience for the last two-three days, but for some reason no response was forthcoming from her.  That day too, I sent a couple of SMS, when still there was no response, I egoistically thought that if she doesn’t want to call me, let her not!

From my side, I sent a final SMS, to which Didi responded by saying that I could come by 5.00 p.m.  I was busy in the office, so I arrived at the Metro station by 4.00 p.m.  There was still a nagging doubt in some corner of my mind as to whether to go or not, God knows who is  this Tanuja Thakur, what she is and would meeting her serve any purpose?   Just as the Metro train chugged in, a thought of returning to the office streaked through my mind, what if going there did not serve any purpose ?  But just then, an inner voice counselled that if no benefit accrued, it would not result in a loss too.  And so I set out to meet Didi.

I did not understand much of whatever she told me upon our first meeting, but I got a hunch that there was surely something extraordinary about her.  After meeting her, I started reading her posts carefully and also started doing proper Sadhana and after an year, there are phenomenal changes in my life and my perspective.

Analysis of Anubhuti:    I often keep very busy and hence, giving a prompt reply to SMS is not possible, which is why I keep requesting seekers not to send unnecessary SMS.  Negative energies wanted to sow the seeds of doubt in the form of negative thoughts in this seeker’s mind and thereby prevent him from doing proper Sadhana.  The grace of another saint was already upon him, which is why the negative energies could not succeed in their designs.-Tanuja Thakur

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