Quotes of Saints


”If there is a small hole at the bottom of a jar of water, the whole water will leak out. Similarly, if there is the smallest tinage of worldliness in the aspirant, all his exertions will come to naught”. – Swami Ramkrsuhna Paramahansa

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Hundred years ago, Swami Vivekananda had warned against conversions. He said, “Every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy the more.” – Swami Vivekanand

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गुरु गोविंद दोऊं खडे, काके लागूं पांय। बलिहारी गुरु आपकी, गोविंद दियो बताय॥ – संत कबीर Guru Gobind dou khade kaake lagon paany Balihari Guru aapney, Govind diyo bataye – Saint Kabir Meaning : A conflict arose in the mind of Saint Kabir that if both, Guru and Govind (God) appeared before him, whom should […]

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Control on Mind

Normally 90% of our energy is WASTED in useless thoughts, if you understand this VAST ocean of energy will be available at your COMMAND. WHATEVER you do devote your whole mind, heart and soul to it. If MIND is under control you will be able to achieve whatever you want in life. – Swami Vivekanand

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Do not stop till Goal is reached

उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान् निबोधत Uttishthata jagrata prapya varan nibodhata Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached. One of the shlok made famous by Swami Vivekananda, where by He has urged the Human Beings to not to stop till Goal is reached. (We should also strive consistently till our goal of establishing […]

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The limitations of modern science !

The limitations of modern science ! While narrating the limitations of science in understanding the benefits available from consumption of sattvik food, H.H. Gurudev Dr. Kateswami of Maharashtra says: Science has not given due thought to sattvikta of food ! Explaining this point, Swamiji says, ‘Science says that food is necessary for development of the body; […]

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Even wise men cannot get rid of the sense of doership all of a sudden when it has grown strong, but those who are unwavering in so-called imageless samadhi can, whose desire for this has been developed over countless lives. – Adiguru Shankaracharya  

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One should trust in the words of holy men and great souls

It is very difficult to understand that God can be a finite human being and at the same time the all-pervading Soul of the universe. The Absolute and the Relative are His two aspects. How can we say emphatically with our small intelligence that God cannot assume a human form? Can we ever understand all […]

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हरी किरपा तब जानिए दे मानव अवतार गुरु किरपा तब जानिए मुक्त करे संसार hari kirpa tab jaaniye de manav awatar guru kirpa tab janiye mukt kare sansaar Meaning: If you have got a human body, consider it divine grace and if you get deliverance from this Bhav Sagar (vicious cycle of life and death), […]

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