
Who possesses the right to analyse the articles (writings) of self-realised saints ?

Those who have carried out an intensive study of the scriptures. Those who are self-realised, or are immersed in the process of self-realisation. Those having a sharp, sattvik(pure) intellect and those who can understand the implied meaning of Dharma Shaastras(scriptures). Those who analyse knowledge, with a desire to learn. Those who have been doing spiritual […]

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Non-violence : a wrong concept

Since the day the Kshatriyas (warrior class) learnt the lesson of so-called non-violence (it started from the times of Emperor Ashoka), external marauders developed a desire to establish dominance over our country and for thousands of years someone or the other has been ruling over us. Today’s corrupt politicians, hoodlums and leaders of an impotent […]

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Origin and the meaning of the word ‘Namaskar’

The word ‘Namaskar’ is derived from the root ‘namaha’, which means paying obeisance (Namaskar) or salutation. From Science of Justice – ‘Namaha’ is a physical action expressing that ‘you are superior to me in all qualities and in every way’. The main objective of doing Namaskar to someone is to derive spiritual as well as […]

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Whose name should one chant, the Kuldevta or Kuldevi?

If there is only Kuldevta, that name should be chanted and if a family has only Kuldevi, Her name should be chanted. If a family has both, the name of Kuldevi should be chanted. The reason goes thus: in our childhood, even when both the parents are there, the children become adamant only with the […]

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Tips for chanting amidst your busy schedule

One obstacle that majority of people recount is being unable to find time for spiritual practice. Let us know the reasons behind this common problem and its solutions. In most cities, the rush for office starts, early in the morning. Yet, you can painlessly accommodate spiritual practice in your daily routine. For instance, you can […]

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The uniqueness of Indian culture

A foreigner asked a saint, “Could you describe the uniqueness of Indian culture as briefly as possible ?” The saint responded by saying “The Guru-disciple lineage”.

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Qualities of a Guru in human form

Avoiding answering of unnecessary questions Anandrao: Brahmanand Maharaj says that You (Gondavlekar Maharaj a saint of very high order of Maharashtra) are a great saint. So when and where will You renounce Your body ? Maharaj: Having taken birth as a human being instead of enjoying life and chanting Rama’s Name why do such inauspicious […]

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Simple tips to increase chanting at quantative plane

Chanting of the God’s name is the easiest spiritual practice in the present era. Let’s see some simple ways to increase Chanting of God’s name (Naam Jap): First of all, Naamjap (Chanting) should increase quantitatively. For this, one can follow these steps: Remember to do Naamjap while doing routine physical work, such as like taking […]

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Misconcept of spirituality : One who wants to practice spirituality should avoid getting married

Some ignorant people try to misguide the Seekers, particularly the youth, by saying that if you indulge in spiritual practice, you will be deprived of marriage or have to leave the householder’s life, but there is not an iota of truth in it.To understand this, we must first and foremost know the concept of spiritual […]

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