
What is the importance of sharing the science of Spirituality ?

Sharing the science of spiritualty written in the dharamshastra and those written by self-realised souls is a method to pay our debt unto rushi (saints) which one of the five debts that every householder has to pay . If it so done without any selfish motive and just out of seva bhav , the grace of the saint flows and if a seeker does not have a gross saint in his life then the grace of the nirgun i.e. of the Almighty occurs and very soon the real guru enters the life of the seeker. Just we need to be aware of the ego as sharing the knowldege makes others feel and say that we are very knowledgable, hence one should always have the gratitude feeling from the source through which he or she has gained knowledge , also one should offer the doership to God or guru for offering the oppurtunity to do the service . In kaliyug the importance of individual spiritual practice is 30% and that of spreading the messege of spirutality is 70%, hence one should leave no chance of spreading dharma and also concentrating on their own spiriutal practice . The more the base of individual spiritual practice would be stronger the more the chaitnya (divine consciousness) will be present in his words and deeds !-(Paratpar Guru ) Tanuja Thakur

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