Who is a wise ?

In modern Bharat many people with lots of degrees from the  Modern University consider themselves wise but the real criteria for wise as per Vedic Sanatan Dharma is totally different, the great prudent Vidurji in Vidur niti has told about the charactersitics of a wise person , all people who think themsleves wise should read these great lines and analyse themselves whether they really qualify to be called a wise – Tanuja Thakur

आतमज्ञानं समारम्भः त्तितिक्षा धर्मनित्यता ।
यमर्थान्नापकर्षन्ति स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Meaning : That one is wise who does not deviate from the higher goals of life as he is in engrossed in Self-knowledge, endeavour, forbearance and adherence to dharma.

यस्य कृत्यं न विघ्नन्ति शीतमुष्नं भयं रतिः ।
समृद्धिरसमृद्धिर्वा स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Meaning : That one is wise whose actions or endeavours are not obstructed by cold, heat, fear, love, affluence or poverty.

नाप्राप्यमभिवाञ्झंति नष्टं नेच्छन्ति शोचितुम् ।
आपत्सु च न मुह्यन्ति स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Meaning : That one is wise who does not hanker after the unattainable, who does not worry over what is lost and who faces calamities without losing his senses.

निश्वित्वा यः प्रक्रमते नान्तर्वसति कर्मणः ।
अवन्ध्यकालो वश्यात्मा स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Meaning : That one is wise whose endeavours are preceded by a firm commitment, who does not take long rests before the task is accomplished, who does not waste his time and who has control over his mind.

न हृष्यत्यामसम्माने नावमानेन तप्यते ।
गांगो ह्रद इवाक्षोभ्यो यः स पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Meaning : That one is wise who does not rejoice when honoured, does not become dejected when dishonoured and is not swayed by emotions under the most trying circumstances.

अर्थं महान्तमासाद्य विद्यामैश्वर्यमेव वा ।
विचरत्यसमुन्नद्धो यः स पण्डित उच्यते ॥
Meaning : That one is wise who, even after acquiring great wealth, learning or control over others goes about his job without being conceited in the least.

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