Non violence, a misconcept

के न हिंसन्ति जीवान्वै लोकेऽस्मिन् द्विजसत्तम ।
बहु संचिन्त्य इति वै नास्ति कश्चिदहिंसक: ।।
अहिंसायां तु निरता यतयो द्विजसत्तम ।
कुर्वन्त्येव हि हिंसां ते यत्नादल्पतरा भवेत् ।। – महाभारत ३.२०८.३३-३४
Ke na hinsanti jeevaanvai lokesamin dwijsattam
Bahu sanchintya iti vai naasti kaschidhinsakah
Ahinsaayam tu nirta yatayo dwijsattam
Kurvantyev hi hinsaam te yatnadalpatra bhavet – mahabharat(3:208:33-34)
Meaning : O chief among the Brahmans ! Who in this world does not indulge in violence? After thinking this over several times, it appears that there is none (in this world) who is non-violent.
Violence even occurs at the hands of ascetics, who earnestly strive for non-violence. However, it is minimal, as they make continual efforts to prevent it.

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