You will not realise if you have a particular personality defect or not unless some incident takes place !

You will not realise if you have a particular personality defect
or not unless some incident takes place !
Normally I pick up the phone with my left hand, so that I can write down any message with my right hand. Over the past 4 months, the elbow of my left hand pains a lot, especially when I pick up the phone. One day, my left elbow was paining severely so I picked up the phone with my right hand; and that day I realised that the right elbow also pains as much as the left elbow. I did not realise this, as I had never used my right hand. In the same way, you will not realise your defects unless an incident takes place. –  Paratpar Guru   His Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale (Adhik Bhadrapad Shukla 12, Kaliyug Varsh 5114 [28.8.2012])

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