Spiritual Experience Related to Negative Energies


Spiritual Experience(Anubhuti) pertaining to negative energies:

Anubhuti: Like every day, on July 22, 2012, we husband-wife went to the first floor and after getting through with the daily routine, we started decorating all Pooja-related things for the day. In the midst of all this, we were also discussing the issue of Sadhana. I keep reading Tanuja Didi’s articles on Facebook and Soham and it is my effort that I tell my wife about all this. However, suddenly she was not ready to listen to anything in this regard and got angry, started behaving in a very abnormal manner. Before I could understand anything, she suddenly collapsed from the bed while blabbering something.

After about 20 minutes, she got up on her own and surprisingly, she did not recollect anything about this incident. She said she felt as if she had been thrown down by someone from a great height. She began asking how long she had been asleep and now within such a short period, how would she be able to perform the Puja, chanting and salt-water treatment. She was behaving absolutely normally. I tried to remind her that we had woken up at 6 a.m. and while preparing for Puja had an altercation, but she could not recollect anything. I tried to attract her attention to the turn of events, but she just could not remember anything at all.- A seeker

Analysis: This seeker’s wife is affected by negative energies and after listening about my articles, the negative energy inside her manifested itself due to the Chaitnya (divinity) present in the article. Her abnormal anger, blabbering and fainting, all these are symptoms of manifestation of negative energies. On several occasions, it has so been that a seeker does not remember anything about such a manifestation. If this happens with any family member, ask that person to do salt-water treatment, chant and pray rigourously.-Tanuja Thakur

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