How can we celebrate Deepawali in a sattvik manner ?


  1. Candles are Tamoguni (spiritually impure); hence, instead of candles, light up earthen lamps with oil.
  2. Compared to bulbs, decorate with rows of  lamps, a lamp is more Saatvik and electric bulbs do not possess even an iota of capability to attract Devattva (divinity).
  3. Decorate the home with Rangoli (colourful patterns), Toran (festoon made of mango  leaves  and marigold flowers ) etc, it makes the entry of Goddess Lakshmi easier. Avoid decorating the home with artificial flowers and flowers made from paper.
  4. As far as possible, avoid burning crackers, this increases the component of Tamogun in the atmosphere, negative energies get attracted and black energy is emitted, forbidding the entry of Goddess Lakshmi.  Also, money goes waste.
  5. Rather than buying sweets from outside, prepare dishes at home and distribute them.
  6. Instead of giving greetings cards, give the greetings in a verbal form, it enhances the bonding.
  7. Give Saatvik gifts, for instance, Puja items, books from the Ashramas (hermitage) of a saint.
  8. Wear new, Saatvik clothes according to Bharatiya tradition, this too attracts the deity principle. At least, do not wear black clothes on this auspicious day.
  9. Remember to allow one lamp to remain lit in the front of the house and one in the backyard, till midnight.
  10. Having performed Lakshmi Pujan (worship of Lakshmi), do an Arati with  Bhav (spiritual emotion) before lighting the lamps in the home, the times to come are critical; hence, pray to Maa Lakshmi that Her grace be upon us and our nation.  If you install statues of Ganesh and Laxmi of mud, do not forget to immerse the last year’s statues of Ganesh and Lakshmi of the same stuff, the next day.
  11. Oppose usage of crackers which display pictures of Lakshmi.
  12. Do not throw the pictures of Ganesh and Lakshmi that is imprinted in the gift or sweet boxes, into the dustbin, either immerse them in water, or give them Agni Samadhi  (burn it in fire).

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